From the LiUNA (Laborer’s International Union of North America) website November 7, 2020:
“President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris have our congratulations on their historic win. LIUNA members were proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Joe – advocating for, voting, and turning out friends and family like never before for a team that is committed to the trade union movement and protecting our livelihoods.”
“When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take office next January, we will have two of our own in the highest offices in the land. Joe and Kamala truly understand the trials and tribulations of working men and women; they never forget where they came from; and they value hard work and the people who do it. I am confident that over the next four years, they will build back better, restore our standing in the world, and help all Americans prosper and succeed.”
From the LiUNA (Laborer’s International Union of North America) website January 20, 2021:
“The Biden Administration’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit on day one of his presidency is both insulting and disappointing to the thousands of hard-working LIUNA members who will lose good-paying, middle class family-supporting jobs. By blocking this 100 percent union project, and pandering to environmental extremists, a thousand union jobs will immediately vanish and 10,000 additional jobs will be foregone.”
Never trust a leftist. They’re liars who will say and do anything to get into and keep power.
Did you know that, as of this day (1/21/2021), if you type Antifa.com into your browser bar you will be taken to the whitehouse.gov website. I guest the thugs that burnt down city blocks, destroyed businesses and declared sections of America as foreign soil are now signaling that they also occupy the White House.
As an extra added bonus, if you click on the ‘contact’ link on the White House website, a form will be displayed allowing you to enter you contact information including your very woke personal pronoun.
These people are freaking insane.
The Trojan president takes office after being voted in with a lot of help from a corrupt media, the putrid, festering swamp of the deep state and a chicken shit Supreme Court. It’s infuriating that the SJC wouldn’t even consider listening to the massive amount of evidence that was gathered showing a corrupt voting process.
Now we have a semi-senile old man in charge with a left-wing extremist waiting in the wings to take control when Joe gives up the ghost or the remainder of his tenuous grasp reality. Not good.
The dynamic-duo, with the help of the shmucks in Congress, plan to destroy all the good things that were done for the country in the last four years, while they ‘build back better.’
Expect rising energy prices, more illegal aliens, bigger budget deficits, inflation and changes to the system to make sure the left never loses control of the country again.
The attack on free speech has already started, with Trump supporters being silenced and their livelihoods taken away to both punish them and set an example for anyone that dares to challenge the people in power. The commissars of the old USSR couldn’t have done it better.
The worst part is that almost half the population seems to be on board with this. I guess that’s what happens when kids are put through an education system whose primary purpose seems to be brainwashing them into hating everything that their country was about. Add to that the promise of more free stuff for the nations parasites and you have the current disaster.
I hope I’m wrong about what’s to come but right now I suspect that I’m underestimating the damage that will be done to our county.
It was nice while it lasted.
I was never a big fan of Ken Jennings. He always seemed a bit arrogant and to top it off, had that Howdy Doody look going against him. When they announced him as the potential successor for Alex Trebek I cringed.
Jennings? How could you even consider him?
Turns out I was wrong. Jennings has turned out to be perfect in the role. He knows the game, has the proper credentials and seems really comfortable hosting the show. The producers shouldn’t look any further, they s should stop looking and make Jennings the full time host.
Jessica Chastain – Ava
John Malkovich – Duke
Colin Farrell – Simon
Common – Michael
Geena Davis – Bobbi
Director: Tate Taylor
Screenplay: Matthew Newton
This is another one of those movies that makes me ask myself “Why all the hate?.”
It gets a 5.4 rating on IMDB and on Rotten Tomatoes the critics give it a 17% rating while the audience doesn’t do all that much better, rating it at 30%.
The movie is about a young woman assasin. The organization that she works for finds out that she’s been asking her targets, “What did you do?” before killing them and that has them worried. They decide that she may be feeling guilty about her killings and they believe that she has become risk to the organization and needs to be eliminated. The man that recruited her is not sure about it and does his best to protect her.
During the course of the movie we find out she’s a reformed alcoholic, grew up in a house with a not so nice father and mother and had a serious relationship with the man who now dates her sister.
It’s not a pleasant movie; theres no happy ending and almost all of the characters are not nice people and have done bad things in their lives. That said, there’s a good amount of action, a pretty decent story and lots of interesting characters.
Ava won’t win any awards and probably won’t be remembered in the coming years but it’s entertaining and better than a lot of other stuff out there and worth a few hours of your time.
Here’s Twitters justification for permanently suspending President Trump. You be the judge.
On January 8, 2021, President Donald J. Trump Tweeted:
“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”
Shortly thereafter, the President Tweeted:
“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”
Due to the ongoing tensions in the United States, and an uptick in the global conversation in regards to the people who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, these two Tweets must be read in the context of broader events in the country and the ways in which the President’s statements can be mobilized by different audiences, including to incite violence, as well as in the context of the pattern of behavior from this account in recent weeks. After assessing the language in these Tweets against our Glorification of Violence policy, we have determined that these Tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service.
Here’s the link to their blog post if you want to verify its authenticity: link